WASHINGTON, D.C., July 23, 2020 - The National Council of Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (NCI) today announced the Maritime Transportation System ISAC (MTS-ISAC) has joined its membership.
Formed by maritime critical infrastructure stakeholders, the MTS-ISAC is a nonprofit organization with a goal to address maritime cybersecurity challenges. The MTS-ISAC promotes and facilitates maritime cybersecurity information sharing, awareness, training, and collaboration efforts between private and public sector stakeholders, both within the maritime sector and across other critical infrastructure sectors.
MTS-ISAC’s mission is to effectively reduce cyber risks across the entire MTS community through improved identification, protection, detection, response, and recovery efforts and act as the maritime sector’s actionable cyber information-sharing center of excellence.
“Our maritime stakeholders are excited about the additional bi-lateral analysis and collaboration opportunities present with the multitude of critical infrastructure sectors represented as part of the National Council of ISACs,” shared Scott Dickerson, Executive Director of the MTS-ISAC. “The MTS-ISAC has quickly established itself as the vehicle chosen by MTS stakeholders for sharing cyber threat intelligence, and connecting with mature information sharing communities further strengthens the MTS-ISAC’s value proposition to maritime stakeholders.”
“The more we can share information across the ISACs, the more we can ensure that our critical infrastructure sectors remain resilient and secure against myriad threats,” said Denise Anderson, chair of the NCI. “We are delighted to add the MTS ISAC to the community.”
With information sharing and cross-sector collaboration becoming increasingly imperative, the National Council of ISACs is excited to continue growing its membership. To learn more about the Maritime Transportation System ISAC, visit https://www.mtsisac.org/.
About NCI

Sector-based Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs) collaborate and coordinate with each other via the National Council of ISACs (NCI). Formed in 2003, the NCI today is comprised of organizations designated by their sectors as their information sharing and operational arms.
The NCI is a true cross-sector partnership, providing a forum for sharing cyber and physical threats and mitigation strategies among ISACs and with government and private sector partners during both steady-state conditions and incidents requiring cross-sector response. Sharing and coordination is accomplished through daily and weekly calls between ISAC operations centers, daily reports, requests-for-information, monthly meetings, exercises, and other activities as situations require. The NCI also organizes its own drills and exercises and participates in national exercises. For more information, visit https://www.nationalisacs.org/.

The Maritime Transportation System Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MTS-ISAC) is a nonprofit that was formed by maritime critical infrastructure stakeholders to address maritime cybersecurity challenges. The MTS-ISAC promotes and facilitates maritime cybersecurity information sharing, awareness, training and collaboration efforts between private and public sector stakeholders, both within the maritime sector and across other critical infrastructure sectors. Its mission is to effectively reduce cyber risk across the entire MTS community through improved identification, protection, detection, response, and recovery efforts and act as the maritime sector's actionable cyber information sharing center of excellence. For more information, visit https://www.mtsisac.org/.
National Council of ISACs
Maritime Transportation System ISAC